

Happy (almost) New Year!! ‘Tis the season of making plans and promises. Eat better, exercise more, have endless patience with the children, yadda, yadda, yadda.

My professional goal is to be more free and flowing with my shop. I probably shouldn’t tell you this, but I tend to get bored easily. I’ll spend a couple of days furiously making tons of upcycled stationery, only to find that I’m bored by it. Then I’ll move on to wrapping pencils with my scrap stationery paper.  Fun for a while, then – Whammo! Bored. Newspaper coasters? Cute, but tedious. Custom painted picture frames? Lovely, but they take an enormous amount of time to do for the amount of money that I charge. For some strange reason, I feel like I need to stick to painting and upcycling because it says “An eclectic mix of handpainted designs, custom pieces and upcycled eco-art” on my facebook page. Um, HELLO!? Why don’t I just rewrite the tag line on my facebook page? Or, even better, I could go with it and embrace the phrases “eclectic mix” and “custom pieces.”

I hereby vow to make 2012 the year of my creativity. I’ll make what feels fun at the time, and see what happens. Maybe if I write it down here in cyber-space for all to see I’ll actually do it.


It Wasn’t Me

If you have kids like mine, you hear this all day. “It wasn’t me!” or “He did it!”

My appliqués are embroidered by hand on hand-cut felt and hand-sewn onto shirts. I designed these for twins, but this set would be cute for any siblings…

george x 2 crop

he did it she did it crop


Dial 1-900-MIX-ALOT

My latest obsession: cross-stitching. I know, when you think of cross-stitch you think of intricate Thomas Kinkade-ish scenes embroidered on pillows. Or fancy samplers hanging on your Grandma’s wall.  Are these things that I would EVER make? No. (Apologies to your Grandma – No offense intended).

Instead, I have taken the traditional sampler and turned it on its head with snarky sayings and song lyrics. These have been a lot of fun. Let me know if you have a clever one you’d like to see!

lose my mind  bite me

big butts


The Cutest Little Caterpillar

I recently designed this set (inspired by Eric Carle’s Very Hungry Caterpillar) as a newborn gift for a friend… The little peanut was born a few days before Halloween and didn’t have a costume! I just couldn’t let that happen.
Hat + Swaddle Blanket = CUTENESS.
Although originally created for use as a costume, it could be used anytime and would make a fantastic prop for a newborn photo-shoot!

hc head   hc crying
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